Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Yesterday we decided to take our lunch break outside as we made our way through another day at Sithembile primary. Things have been slow 'round here with the ongoing strike (No teachers working, no kids running around). As we sat in the sun soaked courtyard adjacent to our office (on a very windy day in the "Windy city!") we were confronted by a group of kids. They stood in the distance at first, unsure what sort of people we were I guess, judging by our squinting eyes in the wind and serious looks they may have been slightly intimidated.

I gestured for them to come over and they took that as their cue to sprint over to us and join us in the courtyard. Communication was immediately a barrier, but they were more than happy to bask in the attention they were receiving! We exchanged names (the kids' ages ranged from 5 to maybe 8)and Stef brought out the soccer ball which made the kids doubly excited. We kiced the ball around and the kids' boundless energy had them driblling all over the school yard, (one kid on the ball, the other 3 in tow) for what seemed like an eternity for me. Soceer quickly turned into basketball and I was involved in a bounce the ball challenge that I had to cut off lest I got fired from my internship! After escorting the kids to the gate, they reluctanlty left as I kicked felt pretty bummed about 2 things: I wish I had a camera (which could have captured the magical momnets we shared, and the fact that I speak no Xhosa. Its weird when everyone assumes you know the language but you actually don't! Especially these kids whose wild curiosity and desire to oush boundaries was quite a sight for me. If only I knew what they were saying.

I can only hope that they have a steady hand guiding them through what can be a perilous life. They did remind me what life is all about though, despite all the clutter. Life is about joy, no matter where you you.

Live with joy

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Thank you for checking out my blog. I am currently fund raising for an internship experience with Grassroot Soccer starting in August 2010. My goal is to raise $5,000 for living expenses and flights (currently at $4,392). I would appreciate your contribution to the cause!